A Message from Bob & Deb France for Suicide Prevention Support
Hi Friends~
We are again participating in the Out of the Darkness walk on September 17, 2022 in memory of our son Jeremy.
We are looking for basket raffle, team members or donations. Perhaps someone would even like to start an Elm Park Team to join us that day.
It's hard to believe we are heading into the Fall and our Oneonta out of the Darkness walk is only 3 weeks away. The pandemic has taken an unprecedented toll on the mental health of many and your help is needed now more than ever.
Funds raised from this event will provide much needed resources for those suffering from mental illness and help erase the stigma so those who need assistance will not be afraid to reach out and get the help they need.
This year we hope to be able to walk in person on Sept.17th at the 6th ward Playground Field. We will also be hosting a chicken barbeque that day as well as the return of our raffle items.
Participants are asked to pre-register on-line at www.afsp.org/oneonta.
We will again be walking in memory of our son Jeremy and would appreciate any support you could give by joining Team Jere, walking with us, donating to the cause or a raffle basket or by keeping us in your prayers for a successful event. Donations can be made on-line at https://afsp.donordrive.com/team/TeamJere or checks can be made out to AFSP and mailed to PO Box 175 West Oneonta NY 13861.

Thanks for your support,
Bob & Deb